Did I Really Commit A Crime?

2014-10-15 6:59 am
One night, I just got back to my neighborhood from work, I was looking for a parking space. I saw a lady standing at the stop sign when I stopped. I did a hand signal to let her cross the street, but she didn't cross the street. She came to me and started a conversation. I was nervous. She asked me if I was looking for something. I said: Yes. She said that she could do everything and asked me what I need. I asked her what she does and how much. She said: $20 to $50 and said that she could do everything again. I felt that there was something wrong with her. I was thinking. Suddenly, she said: "B*** J**" (Oral Sex). At that time, I knew I was innocent and I was sure that I was not going to have sex with her, because I knew that drug-holics could be dangerous, but I wanted to know what they were doing in my neighborhood and how much they would ask for. I said: "Yes", then I was arrested by another police officer. He brought me to a huge parking lot (Not at the police station). He took all my cash and my car and put me in a van that filled with people that were charged with Patronizing prostitution.

Did I really commit a crime? I'm feeling that I've been entrapped.

Did the undercover police officer commit an entrapment?

How long is the statue of limitation in Pennsylvania?


回答 (7)

2014-10-15 9:57 am
You were not entrapped and if you think you were, it is perfectly legal anyway. You solicited sex. You are a "John". That is illegal and you ought to know it. I understand at first you did not realize it but, when you figured it out, after she was clearer, you should have left and gone home and reported it to the police. You don 't want that going on in your neighborhood, do you? It would devalue the value of homes considerably. Instead, you decided to solicit and asked how much she would charge you - or, in your words "how much they would ask for". However you put it, you solicited sex. You are guilty. We cannot help you. Hang your head low, stick your tail between your legs, look sheepish and get some class. Sleeping with a whore is about as low as a person can get. Well, being one is probably as low as one can get but, the Johns are not much better.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience.
2014-10-17 12:30 am
happens to me all the time
yes you are guilty stop kidding your self
2014-10-16 4:29 am
Personally I think the exchange of provision for sex is what most marriages are. One spouse works hard and the other supplies affection, many times in the form of sex.
2014-10-15 2:53 pm
What part of saying yes don't you grasp?
2014-10-15 12:09 pm
Even if it was unintentional and she was undercover, you did do the crime, sadly. If she says that you gave her certain looks or spoke to her flirtatiously, then you'll have a problem, but if she says that you seemed confused or something, you might be okay. There's more to it than this, but I think you might be okay.
2014-10-15 1:09 pm
You were soliciting. You asked her what she did and how much. No trap there, no one force you to speak to her.
2014-10-15 9:34 am
You need a lawyer, and you need a better story. I don't believe your story, but the point isn't whether I believe it, or even if it's true. The question is will a judge or jury believe it. And I don't think they'll believe it.

Basically here's your story. You ACCIDENTALLY pulled up to a hooker. And then you agreed to pay for sex only so you could get information.

I bet every person in that van had the same story. It's never going to work.

Get a lawyer. You should be able to get out of this without any jail time.

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 13:13:11
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