What is your favourite food?

2014-10-15 4:44 am

回答 (14)

2014-10-15 3:46 pm
The list of my favorite food is endless. My most favorite is to enjoy trying food from any countries in the world, at least once to know what it is. I have shortlisted is down to guaranteed favorites are, Asian food for its hot and spicy taste (like food from India, Thai, Malaysia, Indonesia etc) a little milder like Japan and Korea, China, Hongkong, Taiwan, Philippines etc.)
2014-10-15 11:57 am
Minced Beed Keema Curry
2014-10-17 2:58 pm
2014-10-17 7:01 am
I like to pizza I eat pizza two time in a week
2014-10-16 8:30 am
Peanut butter jelly ^^
2014-10-15 4:17 pm
Lobster - especially brandied lobster stir fry with ribs a close 2nd. I like most foods though and particularly like trying new things in the places I visit. I travel a lot; one of my favorite things is trying the local specialties. However, I lived in Italy for almost 14 years and have a special fondness for Italian food. I had a lot of great meals there.
2014-10-15 6:48 am
2014-10-15 5:47 am
2014-10-15 5:25 am
2014-10-15 4:51 am
Sea food :)

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