Am I fit to be a mother?

2014-10-15 4:38 am
I do want kids someday. I'm 13 right now and I don't have a boyfriend. But I have a baby brother (Literally. He's only a month and a half old) and I can't handle all the crying overnight and when he does during the day, I don't know what he wants and it just gives me headaches. I'm being home schooled so I can babysit him for my mom. (My dad passed away overseas the day after he saw the ultrasound over webcam. So it's just us 3 now) I do want kids someday. But I feel if I don't understand that stuff and how it gives me really bad headaches all the time, that I'd be a bad mother or just not fit to be one :( I'd like some opinions about how to understand what a baby wants when they cry, how could I get myself used to the screaming and crying overnight and understand everything about why they do. Cause with Andy, sometimes it's just random. He could be changed and clean and could be fed and he'd still scream and cry overnight. I'd like to understand that stuff. How can I make myself adapt? Make myself used to it and stay used to it for whenever I do have kids?

回答 (8)

2014-10-15 9:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
You are only 13 so no one expects you to be ready or fit to be a mother yet,that will come with time and as you get older and mature you will deal with these things better although a crying baby is never fun.

It's great that you are helping your mom but you must be allowed to enjoy your teenage years without too much responsibility,sometimes babies do cry for hours for absolutely no apparent reason and all you can do is sooth them but that is very hard work.

You shouldn't have to worry about your reaction to that at this point in your life,at 13 what you describe is everything i would expect you to feel and it's perfectly fine and nlormal that you don't understand things.

In 10-20 years when the time comes for you to consider having your own child you will be a different person by then,you will have more life experience and should simply find that caring for a baby is much easier to deal with at that point in your life.
2014-10-15 4:41 am
Yeah your just to young, its okay that it annoys you, it annoys most people your age, its normal. Just don't even worry about this now, it will work its self out naturally.
2014-10-15 4:40 am
You are 13. When you become a mother, if that is your choice, you will be a mature woman and totally different. Right now, your job is to grow up into a healthy, responsible adult. Remember, if you want to be responsible for another person, you first have to be responsible for yourself.
2014-10-15 10:08 pm
you may change your mind if you want to become a mother for the future obviously in a few years when your brother gets a little older.
2014-10-15 5:50 am
You're only 13, enjoy your childhood don't worry about these things! Trust me you'll regret growing up to fast
2014-10-15 5:35 am
Looking So
2014-10-15 5:30 am
You are way to young to be worrying about this. As you get older, your body and and mind will prepare you for children. You still have yet so much to learn. It will come naturally when you're in your 20s. No 13 year old is fit to be a mother. They are basically children themselves.
2014-10-15 4:39 am
Take a job which involves looking after babies.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 09:32:21
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