If all human beings disappeared at once (except for you) what would you do for the rest of your life?

2014-10-15 2:37 am
Say everyone all disappeared at once, leaving behind enough food and medicine to keep you alive until you're in your 80's-90's. Apart from all the people being gone, everything else in the world remains the same, so for example you could still drive or read or travel and stuff.

What would you do?

回答 (11)

2014-10-17 1:04 am
I would devote my remaining life to documenting that we were here and what we did, what it was like. I would assemble and reference all the knowledge I could, libraries, etc. As a discovery point for whoever might discover Earth in the future.
2014-10-15 11:57 pm
Read and read and read.
And finally get some sleep.
Props to Stephen King - Whack off on home plate at Yankee Stadium.
2014-10-15 11:39 pm
Bake a cake.
2014-10-15 12:20 pm
I would have killed myself.
2014-10-15 6:54 am
walk to the largest library in the united states, the library of congress in washinngton dc, and make myself at home. there i would have nice access to water too. a whole library full to last me a lifetime.
2014-10-15 6:26 am
I would rob a bank and spend all the money.
2014-10-15 5:33 am
I would answer yahoo questions.....
2014-10-15 3:36 am
Drive around in other peoples cars. take boats out into the ocean and fish. then, realistically bust into some pot dispensaries, get blown out and live at Mastros until I choke to death on lobster
2014-10-15 3:11 am
write a series of books on what happened to the human race.......where did they disappear to and will they ever be back
2014-10-15 2:59 am
I would travel the world. I would teach myself how to fly a plane, I would teach myself how to drive a boat, and I would teach myself how to drive a train. I would live my life to the fullest. I would enjoy each and every moment being the only human alive. I believe people should live their lives as if every human has disappeared.
2014-10-15 2:52 am
I think, It will Be Nice, To Be, On My Own.

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