Why are my fish dying out of no where?

2014-10-14 11:35 pm
So last month I had a balloon bey Molly that grew very skinny and when I woke up was stuck on the filter,
I let him free but his body was deformed and eight minuets later he died,
And one of my neon teats has been swimming crooked and floating to the top for about 6 days now (is this because their only in a school of 3) I haven't got the chance to complete the school yet, also I just bought a (1) dwarf gourmie, and she has been swimming in place for quite a few days now and is now laying on the bottom of the tank gasping.
I do not understand why they are dying the tank has been running for about 11 months now and I pump the gravel once a month along with a 25% water change every 2 weeks.
I change my carbon filter when needed and I have a heater,
The tank is 25 gallons and has 15 community fish in it,
Also their are rocks from the salmon river and drift wood from the salmon river but I soaked them for nearly a day:o
What is going on?

回答 (2)

2014-10-15 7:24 am
Minuets are 18th century dances. Strange hobby.
2014-10-15 12:19 am
I had a similar problem with my fish. Probably you put more fish in than your aqarium's bacteria colonies could handle, and your fish are dying of an ammonia or nitrite spike. Try testing your water with test strips to see what the chemical levels are.

Did you change/wash your filter recently? Maybe you killed the bacteria colonies off or removed them, which caused the spike.

Also, maybe one of the new fish you got could have had a disease that you introduced to your tank when you added it.
參考: Experience

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