so that; so 問題

2014-10-14 5:55 am
1. His sister was ____ walk on.

a. so tired that she can b. so tired that she can't

c. too tired not to d. so tired to

如果系選b, 就系太累所以不能繼續走路,

如果句子系 His sister was too tired to walk on 又可以嗎?有這樣的用法嗎?

回答 (4)

2014-10-14 11:24 am
✔ 最佳答案

1. His sister was too tired of walking.
or His sister was so tired to walk any further.
a. so tired that she can
b. so tired that she can't
c. too tired not to d. so tired to
參考: partly according to Dictionary
2014-10-17 12:17 am

.. .too .... to (do something)
... too ... not to (do something)

以上兩個句式都有的,但 c 卻有 logical problem,所以不是正確答案。

2014-10-14 10:10 am
2014-10-14 9:55 am
你可以不相信網上任何人答案, 自己可去查證

.... too tired to do something
1. “I’m too tired to walk.” ~ Longman Dict.
2. “He was too tired to argue.”~ Oxford A.L.Dict.
3. “She's too tired to go out tonight.” ~ Merriam-Webster Dict.
4. "She was too tired to do any more." ~ Macmillan Dict.

2014-10-14 07:15:03 補充:
tired to do something 不同 tired of doing something

If you are tired of something, you don't want it to continue because you are bored of it or unhappy with it.

tired of doing something = 對做某事,不耐煩或感到厭煩
"tired of ' = 厭倦, 與疲累無關

To yip******
Please look it up in your dictionary. 教錯人不好

2014-10-14 07:39:13 補充:
His sister was so tired that she can’t walk on.

His sister was so tired ~ past tense (過去)
she can’t walk on. ~ present tense (現在)
太累, 是講以前某個時刻狀況
現在狀況如何? 無言及現在太累, 有可能現在不累
兩事件分開地在不同時間, 是無關聯

His sister was so tired that she could not walk on.~ correct

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