I'm too scared to get my driver's license. How do I overcome this fear?

2014-10-12 9:43 am
I'm 22 and scared to death of driving. I don't know why I'm so scared, but I'm letting this fear control me from getting my license. I really want to though. The problem is when I get behind the wheel I get so nervous that I make mistakes sometimes. My mom took me to practice driving last year, but I gave up after just one time of driving on the road. I drove in the parking lot most of the time. My dad's teaching me this year. We've only had one lesson so far. He took me on a country road that wasn't busy and I was really nervous. I drove for 90 minutes. My dad said I did fine, but only make a few mistakes such as getting to close to the other lane and stopping too late. I haven't been on a city road with lots of cars yet and I've never actually had to stop behind a car. That's what terrifies me the most. I'm scared that I'm going to stop too late and hit the back of a car or hurt something. I lack confidence in myself. Also, people have honked the horn at me because I was going too slow sometimes which made me even more nervous. My dad's supposed to take me driving tomorrow and I know he will take me on the city road this time. I so scared. How do I overcome this fear?

回答 (7)

2016-09-16 8:04 am
參考: The Driving Fear Program - http://DrivingProblem.ohfos.com/?xBx
2014-10-12 3:23 pm
Keep at it. If you are still so intimidated by it in three or six months, then perhaps driving isn't for you - at least at this point in your life. You can always re-visit it later.
2014-10-12 10:14 am
that's normal. I was very scared too when I was learning. the key is to drive... drive every day and in every chance you get. when you get used to it you won't feel afraid, in fact, you will look forward to driving.when driving becomes a pleasure and feel like you have full control of the car you will pass your test.
參考: been there done that.
2014-10-12 10:11 am
Find an instructor who is incredibly patient. The way to move forward is to increase your exposure to situations that make you anxious as SLOWLY as possible. A professional instructor could be useful, but make it absolutely clear that they understand how anxious you are. Research instructors as best you can. Go with your gut feeling when you meet them.

It's great you've gotten as far as getting behind the wheel. That proves you have some determination. A lot of people have a fear of driving when starting out. Yours is just worse than most. Don't stop. Continue at a pace that is a little way out of your comfort zone without going too far.

P.S. Yes, getting beeped at as a learner sucks. But it happened to us all. When it happens, do your best to return your attention to the task at hand. Think of it is a right of passage :)
2014-10-12 9:50 am
get practice say you can do it practice will rid you of the fear and make you feel more at ease every time you drive
2014-10-12 9:47 am
Move to the middle of the desert and have to walk everywhere. This will surely change your mind about driving. This is a very natural feeling. Good thing that cars are designed to plug you straight into the Matrix, so that you feel like you can run on walls.
2014-10-12 9:46 am
What are you scared of....... There's a supervisor next to you. What you need to do though is get someone who can be your guidance for practice in driving. You can find those people who can do driving lessons for you for money. They helped me so much.... People tend not to do it because they think its a waste of money, but do it with them, not your parents, because they actually have professionalism in those areas.

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