Present Perfect Tense 問題一問

2014-10-12 3:43 pm
做緊一份英文 tense assignment,有問題想問問。

Tom 今早陪我買醫療貨品,我在下午同Tom 講"I have purchased the medical products." 有無問題。

回答 (6)

2014-10-12 8:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你應該用'I have already purchased the medical products.'來強調已經買咗醫療貨品
2014-10-17 2:57 am
u can say ' i have already purchased the medical products.'

yours is OK too, but i think that using 'already' can make the sentence more clear.

keep on working.

2014-10-16 18:59:47 補充:
or you can say ' i have already bought the medical products.'

cos 'purchased' has similar meaning with 'bought'.
參考: me
2014-10-13 8:00 pm
I have already purchased the medical products

or I have purchased the medical products already
2014-10-12 11:50 pm
Dustin, 謝謝你的意見。


對,致發問者,我同意 Dustin 的說法:
「說話要 make sense,唔好淨係掛住個 tense !!!」


2014-10-12 16:32:46 補充:
Dustin 謝謝你細心查看,你是否介意提供帖子的編號?
因為霎時間很難可以查找,你提供 qid 後的號碼即可。

I have bought a car.
I should have bought you some flowers.
Have you brought the tickets yet?

2014-10-12 16:33:08 補充:
最後的 brought* 是指 bought。

2014-10-12 18:54:25 補充:
Thanks Dustin.

I got your point now.

I should remove my answer not to confuse others.

Thanks again for checking carefully.
2014-10-12 11:45 pm
Tense assignment okay !Present perfect tense:-We think about the past and the present together;
When we think about the past and present together, we normally use the present perfect tense.
eg:-I've purchased the medical products, (so Tom knows what's going on from am--->pm.)
Simple past:-We think only about the past, not the present.
When we think only about the past, we most often use the simple past.
eg:-Tom saw&accompanied me for a medical product.
(Tom acknowledged with me already by am:-I'm not thinking about the present pm.)
Revise the basic present perfect tense or simple past tense in tense assignment is okay !

2014-10-12 15:54:52 補充:
Abbreviation is a shortened form of a word, such as:-I've=I have purchased mp; used mp; kept mp ; also them=the medical products = mp
2014-10-12 11:39 pm

(them = the medical products)
I have already / just purchased them.
I have used them before.
I have used them three times last year.
I have kept them for three months.
I have kept them in the drawer since last month.

說話要 make sense,唔好淨係掛住個 tense !!!

2014-10-12 15:58:54 補充:
Re: the comment given by Godfrey 博士級 to you before (2014-10-04)

"對不起, 恐怕我要說第二句是錯 .... 這動作(移走障礙物) 在 2 p.m. 已經完成"

“purchase“ 是 action verb, 不是 “state” verb

2014-10-12 16:26:03 補充:
1. change the tense to use past tense:
I [have X] purchased the medical products [since x] last week.

2. change the verb for present perfect tense:
It has been two months since I purchased the medical products.

2014-10-12 16:40:19 補充:
I have bought a car. (ok)
I have bought a car since last week. (no)

Have you bought the tickets yet? (ok)
Have you bought the ticket for three months already? (no)

The key words are: "since", "for"... please think it again.

2014-10-12 16:46:38 補充:
please think it over again carefully. It's about "sense" not about "tense".


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