some intense short workout for losing weight?

2014-10-11 4:31 pm
i'm 63kg, and 2 weeks ago, i was 61kg for about 4 years.
i don't know why for this sudden gain of weight, but i don't eat snacks and i do jogging every week....
so, to complement that, i would like to know a way to lo loose 3 kg, and then maintain it.
i run 4km everyday for about 10mins(it's more of a sprint than jog)
is there any workout at home that i can do everyday that are quick to finish, and intense to compensate with it?
because UK always rains, and i can't run everyday

回答 (17)

2014-10-11 4:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I've tried literally every diet invented, gimmicks and all! I really hope you give this a shot, it's the only way that I was able to lose the weight and get support throughout the process! The key to losing and maintaining weight is to find a lifestyle you enjoy. Otherwise, you will jump from diet to diet, never to lose the weight which is VERY frustrating!! The way I did it was joined (free) .Super easy and you can do it for life, that was really important to me! I was introduced to it one day while logging on myfitnesspal. I absolutely LOVE it, it's so easy!! HSK gives you a "zero weight loss number" (based on your criteria) You either eat below your zero weight loss number to lose, at to maintain or above to's that simple! Tons of groups to join, I joined the low carb group called "AtkinsBound" but if that's not your gig then there are many other groups to join as well. They also have live daily chat and on Wednesdays, there's a scheduled chat for all HSK members to join in on (4-6 PM PST). Tons of recipes, tips and advice in whichever group you choose to join or you can incorporate your own diet into the program. I also walk, jog or hike daily and do light weights 3 x a week but you can do whatever exercise you chose, just log it and HSK will adjust it into you zero weight loss number:) Anyways, I hope this helps:) Good luck!
2017-04-01 5:42 pm
Cary a motivational photo with you
2016-08-13 12:18 am
tired of eating your salad on a plate fill a whole wheat pita with salad and a splash of lemon for a twist
2016-05-27 12:59 am
a handful of unsalted pumpkin seeds make for a healthy mid day snack theyre rich in magnesium which helps lower blood pressure
2016-05-16 11:23 pm
45 minute jog at a 10 minute mile pace
2016-05-04 10:16 pm
參考: Build Huge Muscle Quickly :
2016-03-11 4:04 pm
Monitor your progress by noting your clothes fit looking in the mirror and taking photos
2015-04-08 5:54 pm
Keep proper distance between meals
2014-10-11 5:46 pm
Rope jumping offers more burn minute for minute than jogging. Step-ups are another at home burner.

You will lose more weight focusing on WHAT you are chewing and swallowing than you can by exercising. Simply avoid sugary food and beverage products, while minimizing starchy food choices to hasten weight loss.
2014-10-11 4:35 pm
Do intervals. Alternate fast and slow. This can be running, biking, skipping rope or just about anything. The idea is that if you do a sustained exercise your body goes into a sort of "cruise" mode. Intervals keep it guessing so it keeps your calorie burn high.

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