psychology and mbti personality types?

2014-10-11 2:01 pm
hey guys i find this realy interesting im an intp,and i find intjs confusing can i ask how does this intuition work with intj,and whats the diffrence between intj and intp they apear almost the same?

回答 (3)

2014-10-11 2:21 pm
Lucky I found this.

Perhaps I can clear things up.

The difference in the INTJ and the INTP is they have different cognitive functions.

The deal with INTPs is introverted thinking, (Ti) is dominant. This gives you the ability to use deductive logic.
Your auxilary function is extraverted intuition (Ne) which gives you ideas out of nowhere.The INTP's third is introverted sensing (Si) which boils down to memory and recall.
The least developed function is extraverted feeling (Fe) which is in a sense not conforming to other's feelings. INTPs are quite logical.

Now on to the INTJ
His dominant function is introverted intuition. (Ni) this is the long-term foresight function which permits those that have it to "get" things quickly.
The auxiliary function of the INTJ is extraverted thinking (Te) which enables the user to utilize inductive logic to marshal the world around him.
The tertiary for the INTJ is introverted feeling (Fi) and this isn't as developed but acts as a principle compass.
The inferior function for the INTJ is extraverted sensing (Se)
Undeveloped Se can make a party absolute hell for those with inferior Se and sometimes it seems as if they're in their own world.

Check out personality cafe. They have everything there. Celebrity reveals the types of celebrities too.

I geek out with this all the time with my friends and family. I'm an ENTJ, Sister's an INFJ, Mom's an ISFJ, Dad's an INTJ, and my closest friends are ISFP, INTP, ISTP, ISTJ, ESFJ and another ISFJ.

Have fun and see what your friends get as a result, too!

2014-10-22 1:30 pm
The Myers-Briggs "test" consists of the simple application of two principles known to magicians. It was shown in the 1950s that 12 statements supposedly describing a person's personality will be accepted by 85 to 90 pecent of people. If you offer someone an apparently "free choice" (such as a selection from a deck of 52 identical cards) and pretend to read his mind, the subject does not feel like he has been forced to choose what the magician wants. The Myers-Briggs forces choices and produces results that a person feels are descriptive of his personality. It is pseudoscience, and should be listed under "Snake oil and other scams" rather than any quasi-respectable label.
2014-10-19 5:19 am
INTPs and INTJs have completely different cognitive functions. The former has Ti-Ne-Si-Fe while the latter has Ni-Te-Fi-Se. Here is a very simplified description of such:

Introverted intuition dominant INTJ lives in a world of far-reaching implications, underlying meanings, patterns, connections, insights, and symbols.

Introverted thinking dominant INTP lives in a world of logic, systems, principles, consistency, structure, and frameworks

So stereotypically...

Both the INTP and INTJ are intellectual.

The INTP excels at analyzing, troubleshooting, and breaking apart concepts, giving him an excellent grasp of them (dominant Ti). His keen, moment-to-moment awareness of that which is not present gives him an intellectual wit, quirky humor, and a mind open to theoretical possibilities (auxiliary Ne). He pursues knowledge for its own sake. He knows at least a little bit about everything - academics, pop culture, current news, music, trends, sports, etc. - being a jack-of-all trades in that respect. The INTJ, however, is adept at forming associations between events and occurrences, giving him depth of understanding, insight, and foresight (dominant Ni). Unlike the INTP, who uses process-oriented thinking, the INTJ utilizes results-oriented, execution style thinking, striving for the practical application of his knowledge (auxiliary Te). He pays close attention to the knowledge that he can use as catalyst to gain the upper hand in life. This also means that the kind of reasoning used by the INTJ is more down-to-earth than the kind used by INTP. (Ti = type of thinking used by Einstein, Te = type of thinking used by a court judge)

On the flip side, the INTP has a comparatively difficult time getting in touch with his stored sensory database of concrete, tangible experience, making him somewhat scatter-brained, absentminded, and forgetful (tertiary Si). He also has trouble in understanding social dynamics and identifying his emotions (inferior Fe). He bottles up his feelings so well, without even realizing it, disallowing himself from feeling. While the INTP doesn't feel his feelings, the INTJ has a hard time expressing his emotions (tertiary Fi). It is also not easy for an INTJ to form personal value judgments that are not based on predetermined logistical expectations for behavior. He is easily overwhelmed by a relatively low amount of sensory stimulus, making it a challenge for him to purely engage in his five senses, and so relies on his intellect for comfort (inferior Se). His ability to indiscriminately, naturally soak up worldly information is diminished. The information tends to just not stick. So, in contrast to the INTP, he may know a lot about a few topics, but next to nothing about anything else. He may remember only the information that feeds his intuition and the knowledge that he can pragmatically use to directly enhance his life, with respect to efficiency, progression, and accomplishment.

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