
2014-10-12 6:01 am

回答 (2)

2014-10-12 7:35 pm
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不會,其實一般公立醫院的藥係靚的,佢嘅眼藥水都有好多種,有平有貴,睇個醫生點開俾妳,我在眼科醫院看,個醫生幫我開了3種藥,眼藥膏要40,潤眼啫喱要成80,眼水要成50幾,(40+80+50=一個月用量,即 4 week)藥房都有靚藥,不過比起公立當然貴好多,我用的醫生開 16 week, 只係俾藥費30個大洋!!!!

2014-10-12 20:26:56 補充:
你去藥房買藥,同一種藥亦有平有貴,主要係咩廠商做及來源地,我食緊嘅安眠藥 stilnox 10mg 係公立醫院開嘅,係 made in france!
2014-10-12 12:43 pm
I will not say it is better. Instead I will say you will have more choices.

In order to reduce the taxpayers' burden, public health facilities only provides certain popular (and cheap) medications. Due to source and costs, doctors are somehow forced to prescribe medications that are less effective.

For private health care, you are the one buying the medication, so you have the liberty to discuss what is the best for your condition (and budget).

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 16:47:52
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