If the gun wasn't loaded is it still considered armed robbery ?

2014-10-11 3:18 am

回答 (9)

2014-10-11 3:19 am
Yes. The gun is being used as a threat for the robbery.
2014-10-11 3:33 am
If you had a plastic gun that looked like a real gun and you robbed some people it would still be considered armed robbery. So yes if a real gun isn't loaded it's armed robbery forsure.
2014-10-11 3:26 am
Yes. If it's not known by the victim, they would righfully fear it's a real gun.
2014-10-11 11:34 pm
People have been convicted of armed robbery just for having their hand in their pocket and making threatening moves with that hand!
So it doesn't even take a gun- just an implied presence of a gun by hand movements!
2014-10-11 3:22 am
Yes, it's still considered armed robbery, whether the gun was loaded or not is of no consequence. People assume the gun is loaded and capable of inflicting harm.
2014-10-11 5:01 pm
yes, anytime you use a weapon, even a fake 1, it is armed robbery
2014-10-11 5:49 am
2014-10-11 3:35 am
2014-10-11 3:19 am
Look up the term "pistol whipped".
It's still a weapon, in addition to the perceived threat.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 18:19:17
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