Is there someone in your life who brings you no happiness but you still love them?

2014-10-11 1:14 am

回答 (10)

2014-10-11 1:32 am
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Yes. Honestly speaking and to be frank with you, my wife has become a schizophrenic patient. For the last thirty years, I have been suffering a lot because of her ill-health. There is no happiness. As the proverb says: "The wearer only knows where the shoe pinches." Others cannot understand the significance of such suffering. Most of the common people will just listen it like a story. Serious minded people only feel sympathy for people like me.
參考: compiled.
2014-10-11 3:54 pm
2014-10-11 2:46 pm
I would refer to them as family
2014-10-11 2:03 pm
We are having Platonic love now, after my retirement.

Still, my wife is the most important person for me.
2014-10-11 7:50 am
SURE i love ants,dogs,cats.....................
2014-10-11 4:48 am
No. Of course not.

There are some that I wish were happier, more successful, but any triumph for them, no matter how small, brings me joy.

Even when my dear Mother was lying in her deathbed, the thought of her and all I knew about her brought me happiness. She is long gone now, and still her memory brings me happiness.

When you love someone, that automatically means that they bring you happiness, at some time, in some way, if not everyday.
2014-10-11 4:24 am
I had an ex-gf like that for a while, I still loved her deeply even though she brought me a lot of pain and sadness.

I'm over it now though.
2014-10-11 1:19 am
Yeah. She's sitting on the couch watching 'The Walking Dead' marathon. Now busting my *** for some of MY meds.
參考: But I just rocked a bowlski, so, yeah, I still love her.
2014-10-11 1:17 am
Of course. My ex- is the big one I can think of. "Love them from a distance" is my stepmom's advice.
2014-10-11 9:08 am
You do not know what Love is!
Happiness is a Virtue of Love!
If you Love, you are Happy!
Love is a state of being with no 'subject' and no 'object'.
Lover and Beloved are One!
Enlightenment is Love!

"What a man loves, he is. If he loves a stone he is that stone, if he loves a person he is that person, if he loves God - nay, I durst not say more; were I to say, he is God, he might stone me. I do but teach you the scriptures." - Meister Eckhart

Love is ALWAYS recognized by Love's Virtues; Compassion, Grtitude, Humility, Empathy, Sympathy, Honesty, Charity (not taking more than your share of anything! Ever!), Faith, Happiness...
Where there is Love, there is ALWAYS Virtue!
One and the same!

Knowledge = experience!

Know Love;

“Your task is not to seek for Love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” - Rumi

"Wage Love, practice Compassion!"

Love requires practice, like a fine violin!
Practice! Practice! Practice!

tat tvam asi (

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