Should I be happy she responded to my good morning text?

2014-10-09 3:29 pm
I dont always text good morning, but when I do, I usually say "Good morning :)"

This time I said, "Good morning, angel :)"

And she still responded with her usual

"Gooooood morning :)"

Of course she wrote other stuff, but ...

回答 (5)

2014-10-09 6:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think you put WAY too much focus on casual virtual interaction.
2014-10-09 3:39 pm
If you're trying to get in this girls pants, the answer is "good morning gorgeous" not angel. You're welcome.
2014-10-10 9:48 pm
she probably liked it. when a certain friend of mine does it with a name or what after the good morning. it tells me he is thinking of me more than normal which brings a smile to my face every time.
2014-10-09 3:46 pm
Its like the star trek probe into the black hole that doesn't come back.
2014-10-09 3:34 pm
You should be happy usually girls want the guys to try harder then the girl.

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