Thoughts on sending "Good morning, angel" text to a girl I like?

2014-10-09 2:18 pm
We've been talking for about two weeks, and we went on a double date with our friends that went pretty well. I found out from her friend who is my friend's girlfriend that she keeps saying "OMG robert is soo sweet." and "I could see him as more than a friend in the future." Which I'm pretty sure just means that she does like me as this moment. All of the signs were there in person when I've spoken to this girl.

She always responds to my "Good morning :)" texts. Also she's not the best texter with anyone, but yesterday she actually texted me first and was responding fairly quickly until she got busy.

回答 (3)

2014-10-09 2:25 pm
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It's cute.
2014-10-09 4:32 pm
Adorable! I'd love it if a guy I liked sent that to me :D) unless I barely knew him.
2014-10-09 2:33 pm
No, don't. It's cringey gay and needy. I don't even do that to my girlfriend of 2 years. Give her too much power, makes you less attractive.

收錄日期: 2021-04-30 23:40:34
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