Migrate to UK

2014-10-10 4:34 am
I'm a Hong Kong people abd I just finished university. I've always been thinking migrating to UK for a better environment. Are there any essential elements that I must achieve (eg. jobs in UK, marriage etc.)and do u guys have any tips on that?
(Like which part of UK would u suggest, I'd like a place with overall low temperature and in the urban area)
Thank you so much!!

回答 (2)

2014-10-10 2:20 pm
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halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) Are there any essential elements that I must achieve (eg. jobs in UK, marriage etc.)and do u guys have any tips on that?

>>呢個當然有, 可以話英國係咁多個國家入面比較難入藉既國家, 因為restrictions 好多. 我諗係你去英國邊part 之前要諗下點樣樣可以達到佢既要求, 想移民英國有4個方法:

1. 係英國住夠10年 - 呢10年你可以做咩都得, 讀書讀10年, 做野做10年都可以, 但中間唔可以走多過一定既日子.
2. 係英國做夠5年野 - 呢5年一定要係做野, 讀書加做野係唔得既, 而係英國做野, 你先要有個tier 2 visa. 亦即係你要先係英國搵到工先, 咁可以開始計5年. 但唔係英國間間公司都可以幫你整tier 2visa 的, 因為呢個visa 要公司同ukba 果邊申請想做先可以. 而呢5年係唔包working holiday 的.
3. 結婚 - 呢個就係同英國人結婚, 之後要住夠2年, 其間唔可以走多過一定日子, 咁先可以整. 而你既另一半一定要係英國有半工, 同埋人工一定要高過某一個位先得.
4. 投資移民, 呢個唔適用, 因為要太多資金了.

2) (Like which part of UK would u suggest, I'd like a place with overall low temperature and in the urban area)

>> 如我上面所講, 應該先睇下你上面呢4個點可唔可以meet 到其中一個, 如果唔得的話, 咁再睇去邊度都係冇意思的.

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp =]
2014-10-11 12:12 am
1. The very first thing is you must establish your eligibility.

The U.K., unlike other countries, does not have a well-established immigration system (i.e. an immigrant visa/permanent residents, etc.)

All "immigrants" always starts from a temporary visa (even those sponsored by family members). Once you are qualified, you will have to apply for indefinite leave to remain (ILR). Once you have the ILR, you will be a U.K. "permanent resident" and have the right of abode. Then you can think about becoming a British Citizen.

These websites will help you understand more about the system:



The only tip is learn the system well.

2. Choose a new city is an important business. No one can suggest you to do anything except you.

It has to deal with jobs, costs, etc.

The easiest way to learn more is read more about the local news (travel may help a little. But as a tourist, you can't see a lot.)

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