
2014-10-09 11:51 pm
1. If a and b are positive constants and a^2 > 4b , which of the following equations must have real roots with the same sign?
A. x^2+ax-b=0
B. x^2-ax+b=0
C. x^2-ax-b=0

2. If m and n are positive constants, which of the following equations must have real roots with different signs?
A. x^2+mx+n=0
C. -x^2+mx-n=0

回答 (3)

2014-10-10 1:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
The answer : (B) x² - ax + b = 0

A. false
x² + ax - b = 0, where a and b are positive
The discriminant, Δ = a² - 4b > 0 for a² >4b
There are two real roots.
Factorize x² + ax - b into the form of (x + h)(x - k) whereh and k are positive
Then, (x + h)(x - k) = 0
x = -h or x = k
The two roots have different signs.

B. true
x² - ax + b = 0
The discriminant, Δ = (-a)² - 4b = a² -4b > 0 for a² > 4b
There are two real roots.
Factorize x² - ax + b into the form of (x - h)(x - k) whereh and k are positive
Then, (x - h)(x - k) = 0
x = h or x = k
The two roots have the same sign.

C. false
x² - ax - b = 0, where a and b are positive
The discriminant, Δ = (-a)² - 4(-b) = a² +4b > 0 for a² > 4b
There are two real roots.
Factorize x² - ax - b into the form of (x + h)(x - k) whereh and k are positive
Then, (x + h)(x - k) = 0
x = -h or x = k
The two roots have different signs.

The answer : (B) 3x² + mx - n = 0

A. false
x² + mx + n = 0, where m and n are positive
The discriminant, Δ = m² - 4n
There is no sufficient information to determine whether Δ is positive ornegative.
The equation may not have real roots.(if Δ is negative)

B. true
3x² + mx - n = 0, where m and n are positive
The discriminant, Δ = m² - 4(3)(-n) = m² +12n > 0 for m and n are positive
There are two real roots.
Factorize 3x² + mx - n into the form of (3x + h)(x - k) or (3x- h)(x + k) where h and k are positive
Then, (3x + h)(x - k) = 0 or (3x - h)(x + k) = 0
(x = -h/3 or x = k) or (x = h/3 or x = -k)
The two roots have different signs.

C. false
-x² + mx - n = 0, where m and n are positive
The discriminant, Δ = m² - 4(-1)(-n) = m² - 4n
There is no sufficient information to determine whether Δ is positive ornegative.
The equation may not have real roots.(if Δ is negative)
2014-10-18 5:17 am
2014-10-10 4:31 am
yan妹, 或者你試下重做一D已經做過的題目, 思考一下當中的邏輯。

中學數好的地方係, 你不斷 train 總會學到~

因為來去都係果D野, 變化唔多...

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