
2014-10-09 7:40 pm
我係上個星期一丟左三本故事書,咁宜家講"I have thrown out three story books."有無問題。

回答 (4)

2014-10-09 10:59 pm
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寫perfect tense要注意講述的事件的用意和在聽眾(對方)理解上的相對性(時空感)。通常用have "verb"(現在"完成")一般是表達剛剛做完,或者一件事是在某時空內只會做完一次不能再發生意思。

雖然從文法上而言你寫I have thown out three books.基本上表達出你已經丟掉三本書,但只是你寫/講你"想講"那句的話,你便會發覺時空上的相對差別令你這句不妥:
I have thrown out three books on Monday last week (或 on Monday the week before).
這樣一講的話,小學生都會答你"last week"應該要用past tense. 加埋你想講的"已經完成"便要寫/講成:
I had thrown out three books on Monday the week before.


throw out的意思是扔掉/(出面)...一般描述即時情況(假設當你掉那些書出去垃圾桶時回來訴你媽:I have thrown out "three" books.便會情合理合文法啱用詞了。
你想講的丟棄或掉垃圾的丟掉...用詞應該係throw away.
2014-10-13 10:48 am
“I threw away three story books last Monday. “ ~ kristy 的回答最適當.

“I have thrown out three story books.”
原句無錯, 沒有言及時間
聽者不知道何時, and they don’t care!
發問者 always gets stuck on "perfect tense".

如果意思是 get rid of something that you don’t want or need
throw away = throw out

2014-10-13 03:05:29 補充:
用 past perfect 意味 “已經完成”, 看動作做什麼

throw out ~ 輕而易舉, 有“已經完成”意很怪 ?
“I had thrown out three books on Monday the week before.”
To my surprise, a lazy student like me had read three books by Monday last week.

例外 sequence in the past
When I returned home last night, the babysitter had left.

2014-10-13 03:17:55 補充:
You should throw away all those three story books last Monday.
I have thrown away three story books last Monday.
兩句不對, 兩句不一樣
因為有 last Monday, 應該用 past simple 便可以
2014-10-12 10:40 am
Since you have info on the time of action, simply use past tense for the expression.

Note that "throw out" is different from "throw away".

I threw away three story books last Monday.
2014-10-10 2:45 am
throw something ------>away, phrasal verb , to get rid of something not wanted or needed, discard, eg:-You should throw away all those three story books (you never read) last Monday.
Hence:-You should throw away all those three story books last Monday.
=I have thrown away three story books last Monday.(last week means in the week before this)

2014-10-13 16:16:03 補充:
Hence:-He threw books away.--(past tense.)

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