toronto downtown以外, 還有地方值得去嗎?

2014-10-09 6:36 pm
自己沒有車牌, 知道在多倫多會不方便, 但多倫多downtown and Nigara Falls 已經去過. 所以想請問1) toronto downtown以外, 還有地方值得去嗎?
2) Scarborough 最熱鬧的街道是那裡呢? 謝謝!

回答 (1)

2014-10-10 12:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Buffalo, New York, United States

A lot of Canadian go across the border simply for shopping.

However, a travel visa will be needed.

2. Scarborough Town Centre will be your best bet.

(Scarborough is a residential city.)

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