蒼天如圓蓋,陸地似棋局.....翻譯成英文如何 ?

2014-10-09 5:14 pm

翻譯成英文,可以嗎 ?

回答 (5)

2014-10-09 11:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The firmament as a dome, the land as a chess game;The multitudes have good and evil, they come and go to bring honor and shame; An honorable person stays in peace, a shameful person knows only working.Withdraw to solitude in the southerly sun, getting much sleep and still not enough.
參考: 不知所云...唯唯諾諾
2014-10-16 6:46 pm

The sky is like a dome, and the land like a game of chess, with pieces in black and white, divided just like people of good and bad, all going around chasing after honour, wealth and power. Those who succeeded will be content and enjoy what they achieved, and those who failed will keep working hard to try again. There is one man in NanYang who chose to live in seclusion, and just be happy to sleep to his heart’s content.
參考: My past learning
2014-10-13 1:21 am
Heaven is like a round cover, land like a chess game.

World of black and white points, exchanges compete Honor.

Wing's self-Ann, who set mediocre disgrace.

Nanyang has seclusion, lack of sleep lying high
參考: me
2014-10-12 5:18 pm
Heaven is like a round cover, land like a chess game. World of black and white points, exchanges compete Honor. Wing's self-Ann, who set mediocre disgrace. Nanyang has seclusion, lack of sleep lying high.
2014-10-12 1:13 am
--------------The Idiot-------------

Wind is the skyDome gentry blows
And the chessmen in chessboard flows
When black&white crashed the world ashore
The honor shamful disgrace should bring to roar
Peace&Honor gives no offense
The shamful must echo to his sense
When being alone solitude from a State overthrow
My sleep through fail to wake up but deeply slow.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 20:55:13
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