Why is it most folks want to try and cook something but they already know they don't have ANY Food in their house?

2014-10-09 12:50 am
How are you going to cook something to eat when you won't even go to the grocery store? I get this feeling that some folks just expect food to magically appear in front of them.

You gotta put in some real effort people. You have to think about how much money you have to spend, what you can spend, and the main staples you will need etc...

It just drives me crazy that people pose questions up here about cooking but yet they don't' have a clue as to how to feed themselves! WTF?!!!

回答 (1)

2014-11-16 12:19 am
Most of those people are youngsters hoping to do something nice for their parents or friends. Although, those question about what can I make out of flour and butter because I have no milk or cream or baking powder or anything else are pretty useless.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 00:34:58
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