Poll:: What made you smile today..?

2014-10-08 3:44 pm

回答 (198)

2014-10-08 6:18 pm
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Maggie's phone call ..!

I have a fever so she called me today in the morning and was telling me what to eat and what to drink .. Was telling me to take rest and not to talk much .. etc ..!
She was like pampering me ..
I just loved the way she was talking to me .. It was VERY sweet ..! And her caring nature ...Waooowww.. I just love it !!! And that's what made me smile today ! :)
2014-10-08 8:37 pm
Hmm... The fact that my kid was leaving for school this morning made me smile.... and then he missed his bus, and fire proceeded to shoot out of my nostrils before I transformed into one of the demons from the seventh circle of hell. Mommy's peace and quiet had been ripped from her... it was unfair, I tells ya!
2014-10-09 7:29 pm
A strawberry made me smile today.
My uncle has a strawberry plant, and the last time I was at his place (we live near), I found this small green and cute strawberry. I was in awe. And he did all he could to make that strawberry grow (including protecting it from greedy little birdies.. heheh) and today morning, he came at my place and gave me that strawberry which has become a big, red and juicy strawberry :) His love for me made me feel so lucky and grateful to have such a special uncle that my day itself was just superb.
2014-10-09 12:03 am
Sunshine outside
2014-10-08 11:30 pm
My mom cleaned out her closet today and she found this little pink monkey stuffed animal that made us laugh and smile.
參考: What's your Source (Optional)
2014-10-08 6:16 pm
Reading the newest chapter in a story I've been following for three years. It's going to end in five weeks, and I'm so excited to see what happens.
2014-10-08 5:43 pm
Yes, like Vasilica said, your question makes me want to smile. Also Lin's video is so funny. The first time I laughed once was when my mom said she slept at 3 A.M. last night. So 3 circumstances made me want to smile. Plus answering my own question made me feel good. It's https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20141008091416AAV1UEx
2014-10-12 5:04 pm
My neighbor's dog. Cooksie is a mixed breed dog but the cutest & smartest. When Glenda comes over and
I am outside the dog is with her. The dog is not supposed to come to me but she lays down and sneaky like
crawls on her belly trying to get to me. It's so funny you would have to see her to know how she looks.
2014-10-10 9:12 am
Finishing our Halloween decorations out in the front yard. Six zombies all 5ft doing different things. Example: Doctor in full scrubs all bloody carrying a bloody arm and hand. Pizza delivery guy holding a pizza box with a bloody foot in it. Had fun making them and hope the kids in the neighborhood enjoy them.
參考: What's your Source (Optional)
2014-10-13 7:48 am
Reminiscing old memories about this guy I use to know, he left without telling me and breaking his promise that he would never leave but we had so many great memories, all of which leave a genuine smile on my face and leave me grinning for the rest of the day! :-)

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