What is the time rate of change of air pressure?

2014-10-08 8:06 am
Air pressure decreases at a rate of 2.5 pascals per kilometer in the eastward direction. In addition, the air pressure is increasing at a constant rate with respect to time everywhere. A ship sailing eastward at 10 km/hour past an island takes barometer readings and records a pressure drop of 30 pascals in 2 hours. Estimate the time rate of change of air pressure on the island. (A pascal is a unit of air pressure.)

What is the time rate of change of air pressure?

回答 (2)

2014-10-08 11:17 am
2014-10-08 8:33 am
In 2hours - the ship has gone 20kms
20kms x -2.5Pa = -50Pascalls (if no increasing pressure)
So if the ship has a 30Pa drop:
-50 - (-30) = -20
So decreasing 20 pascals/hour

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