Can I pay with my credit/debit card NUMBER/3digit code if i forgot my wallet at a restaurant?

2014-10-07 2:40 pm
I forgot my wallet and need to have lunch during work, I know my credit/debit card number and 3digit security code as well as expiration date in my head. Can I do that?

回答 (7)

2014-10-07 3:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
No restaurant would do that. Anyone could memorize your debit card number and code and claim it as their own. Having your photo ID accomplishes nothing, because they don't have a debit card to compare it to. As for businesses accepting card numbers over the phone, they really shouldn't be doing that, either.
2014-10-07 11:34 pm
2014-10-07 3:59 pm
no - borrow money from a co-worker
2014-10-07 3:53 pm
No, they will not accept it.
2014-10-07 3:06 pm
Of course not. The whole world could remember your card numbers and use them without the card.
2014-10-07 2:51 pm
Technically it's possible to manually type the numbers in (it's what they'd do if for some reason the card won't scan right), but I doubt the restaurant will do it.
2014-10-07 2:44 pm
No as your card would have to be scanned and just knowing the numbers in your head does not prove the card is actually yours

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