幫朋友買馬 , 應該找幾多 ?

2014-10-07 3:29 am
有個朋友比左500蚊我叫我幫佢去買馬 ........
買馬要用160蚊 ........... 當中是10 , 30 , 30 , 30 , 30 , 30 < 6張馬標
當中佢有一張30的馬標中左49蚊我又幫佢馬上收左 .........
咁我應該比回幾多錢佢 ?

回答 (4)

2014-10-07 6:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Gary 講得冇錯, 但係我想糾正, 買馬唔可以用 purchase , 應該係 bet 。
2014-10-07 7:11 pm
其實好簡單, $500 - $160 = $340 (買完馬嘅餘款)
再加番中咗果$49 咪俾番$389佢.
2014-10-07 4:06 am

1. After purchase, the change should be ($500-$160)=$340

2. You collect $49 in winning.

3. $340+$49=$389.

2014-10-07 01:15:08 補充:
Then your friend does not know how HKJC works.

The winning includes the initial cost ($30). Your another friend assume you can get it as well (so you will get $30+$49=$79).

This is how $359 comes up (and it is wrong).

The actual profit from the winning is $19.
2014-10-07 3:53 am
俾番 HK$487 你個朋友就岩數了;你 d 數口咁差,以後唔好做埋呢 d 雞仔媒人了,免得麻煩;

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 16:45:21
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