關於check in 問題

2014-10-06 11:55 am
小弟第一次塔飛機~想問下關於check in 架問題~我坐singapore airline~

1. 去到先check in 同網上check in 有咩分別? (因為第一次塔,所以想坐窗口位~係咪如果想簡位的話需要去到先check in?

2. 因為要向singapore 轉機, 咁我去到係咪等機到就得?定係再要check in 多次?

3. 行李係會向轉機果時幫我上埋~定係會向singapore俾返我先,之後再上機?

4. 你地建議塔A12 定係機場快線? (家住SKW, 我果日會塔6點9機~應該幾多點出門口比較好?

回答 (3)

2014-10-06 6:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案

1. online同機場check in都好, 航空都會預先劃咗位俾你, 不過如果仲有位剩咁你可以online揀, 而且online check in可以直接列印boarding pass. (當然, 如果有先行李要寄艙, 去到機場仲要去check in counter搞)
2. 如果你轉機航空都係一樣, 或者兩程boarding pass都已經online搞咗同print咗出嚟, 咁就可以直接前往登機閘口. 唔係既話, 咁就可以到轉機counter搞, 唔駛入境再重新出境. (codeshare就唔肯定)
3. 如果轉機時間唔係太耐, 通常會自動transfer.
4. 你講緊下午6點9? 據我所知, A12依家改行東隧往機場, 避開中環一帶. 反而你過去香港站就好麻煩 (巴士的士都唔通, 地鐵又要逼, 仲要行過去香港站), 所以都係建議搭返A12.
2014-10-06 5:10 pm


2014-10-06 12:45 pm
1. The biggest difference is those airlines which offer online check-in will also offer a specialized counter for bag drop only.

So there will be no waiting at the airport.

If you want a window seat, it is better to check-in online.

2. It depends on how your transfer is.

3. Usually they will be transferred automatically. When you check-in, the baggage tag will show the final destination is. You can ask the agent who helps you.

4. Due to recent traffic issues, Airport Express is more promising.

You should leave about 3 hours from your flight.

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