Capricorn with scorpio?

2014-10-06 12:58 am
How compatible is a capricorn woman with scorpio venus and a scorpio man with scorpio venus?

回答 (1)

2014-10-06 6:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
My ex is a Scorpio and oh man. We had sex all the time lol but we had a good relationship, except that it was long distance and I didn't really give him the space he needed between weekends.
They're selfish for sure, but their sexy, masculine personalities are hot to us. They have tons of confidence that turns us on. But they're also really loving underneath it all.
Just give him his space and try not to argue with him over dumb stuff. He'll just tune you out and act like nothing happened.
Other than that, it's a fun relationship. Good luck :)
參考: I'm a Cap w/ Scorpio ex

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