Poll: Do you usually try clothes on before buying them?

2014-10-05 11:37 pm

回答 (146)

2014-10-06 2:06 am
Always! Every style and brand is different. Not to mention I'm really picky about certain things and who wants the hassle of having to return or exchange something. The extra time it takes to try on clothes and make sure they fit properly is totally worth it. However on the bad side I don't usually buy online because I can't try it on.
2014-10-07 11:02 am
Yes i do. Different clothes suit different body types. I always try before I buy.
2014-10-07 2:42 am
Yes usually, unless it's a store I often shop at and the clothing item is a similar to style to something I've bought before then I don't. I also usually buy my clothes onlines so then I can't so sometimes I get two sizes and return one, but I usually can guess the right size.
2014-10-07 12:37 am
I never try on clothes before buying them. I already know my sizes and what type of clothes look good on me. Sometimes I purchase the product and try it on at home because I want to see how it goes with my complete outfit. If I buy a pair of jeans and it doesn't match the shoes and shirt I plan on wearing, I just return it when convenient.
2014-10-06 8:37 pm
2014-10-06 12:49 pm
Yes. I think only the slender ones don't need trying before they buy cloths.
2014-10-06 5:38 am
Yes, I always try clothes on before buying them.
2014-10-06 2:45 am
sometimes I do but if I shop at the store so much I eventually know what size to get in things... I would suggest always trying on your clothes though because sometime when I get home and try them on I wonder why I even got the outfit lol
2014-10-05 11:51 pm
2014-10-05 11:43 pm

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