Do you think its a shame that so few women go into science and engineering?

2014-10-05 6:05 pm
At my university, only 12% of the students in engineering are female. The rest are all guys. Some people often like to bring up the stereotype that guys are better than girls at math. The reality is that there is absolutely no concrete evidence to indicate any natural biological supremacy in math for males. Its mostly cultural. I think we as a society tend to discourage girls from going into scientific and engineering fields, which is a shame. It shouldn't be like that. I think it really harms our progress as a civilization.

回答 (16)

2014-10-05 6:06 pm

They CHOOSE their interests and, indeed, trying to harangue people into fields that they do not wish to pursue is not remotely in their interests, nor society's interest. A truly phenomenal effort has been waged for over two decades to get young women interested in careers in science and engineering. No one can credibly claim that they are being discouraged from these fields. Ergo, let 'em choose what they wish.
2014-10-05 6:07 pm
Yes it's bad. But I am optimistic, things are getting better for women.
2014-10-05 6:09 pm
Yeah, it is too bad. I think it'd be pretty cool to have more women in science and engineering.
2014-10-05 6:08 pm
They choose to do it.

Regurgitating the feminazi statements does not increase someone's chance of getting a pu$$y.

ADD -" I think we as a society tend to discourage girls from going into scientific and engineering fields"

The reverse is true. Before turning into a self hating male feminist, read this.
2014-10-05 6:30 pm
Yeah, I think so, and it's a shame that some people purposely or indirectly influence women to not go into science and engineering
2014-10-05 6:15 pm
There is no concrete evidence to show we, as a culture, discourage women from entering STEM fields. Seems to me that it would be hypocritical to hold one cause to such high standards as concrete and then let the other cause of the hook.
No, I don't think it's a shame. If women want to enter a STEM field of study they should, and certainly shouldn't be discourage from doing so. But to look at a stat and assume that it must be the result of discrimination would be unjust to say the least.
Women are more likely to pursue liberal arts and humanities related fields than men are, should we assume men are being discriminated against?
Men and women, when speaking in general terms, have proven to have different interest. And while pursuing causation is a noble endeavor, to assume causation is the essence of folly.
2014-10-05 6:34 pm
2014-10-05 7:20 pm
Women are gaining and surpassing men in almost every category. This category is just one of the few women haven't made progress in but will...
2014-10-05 6:21 pm
For some reason, it seems women, on the whole, are genuinely less interested in that subject than men.

I guess thats sexist - and we should force women to study engineering - at gun point if needs be.

Or perhaps.. restrict the number of men permitted to study those subjects.. also at gunpoint, if needs be.
參考: the feminist perspective.
2014-10-05 6:16 pm
Yes, it is a shame there are not more women in these fields. There is prejudice against women in them and it makes it harder for women. First they are not encouraged or even discouraged and then once in they can face discrimination. A friend of my father's who is an engineer himself refused to pay for university for his daughter to go into engineering either because of his prejudice or the prejudice he knew she would face.

There was a question here and the girl was complaining that she had the highest marks in math and really good marks in the other subjects but was not picked for an engineering competition - only males were picked.

Also there have been studies that documented the general bias in academia, just changing the gender on the application - men were hired more and offered more money just by changing the name. This shows clearly there is bias.
2014-10-05 6:17 pm
It is a shame. But I think more women go into it every year, so hopefully the numbers will be about 50/50 soon!
2014-10-05 6:05 pm
women arent designed to think like us. They have breasts to worry about.
2014-10-05 6:07 pm
Nope. Those are not careers for woman. They should stick to things like teacher, nurse or secretary.
2014-10-07 10:36 pm
Let's turn that around and look at everything BUT STEM - do we think it's a shame that men are dropping out of everything else (including medicine, economics and law)?

Do we think it's a shame that slowly but surely, due to the fact that fewer and fewer boys are making it out of high school, even STEM is gradually taking on more and more girls even though it is still predominantly male?

What's the matter? Victory not fast enough for you?
2014-10-07 6:45 am
2014-10-06 5:02 am
Girls are actually better at math than guys (well, sort of weak evidence but :/).

Yeah, it sucks. Like, a lot.

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