How Many People Can Legally Live in a 2 Bedroom apartment in sydney CBD?

2014-10-04 11:57 am

回答 (3)

2014-10-04 12:04 pm
A maximum of 2 occupants per bedroom is the norm, and it's usually up to the landlord and restricted by Strata Body regulations.

The Residential Tenancies Act 2010 (NSW) (RT Act 2010) provides that a landlord may specify, as a term of a residential tenancy agreement, a maximum number of persons who may reside at the premises, in the following terms.


Section 51 Use of premises by tenant

(1) A tenant must not do any of the following: …

(e) cause or permit a number of persons to reside in the residential premises that exceeds any number specified in the residential tenancy agreement. …

(5) This section is a term of every residential tenancy agreement.

Accordingly, the standard from of agreement prescribed by the Residential Tenancies Regulation 2010 contains the following term:

No more than [blank] persons may ordinarily live in the premises at any one time.
2016-12-21 7:44 am
In Sydney you can benefit from the natural beauty. From unspoilt beaches to public gardens and, obviously, the shining harbour, Sydney is just a town worth visited and with hotelbye you may have the opportunity to do that. The Sydney Harbour Bridge or "Coathanger," as the locals call it's one of the areas you should not miss in your trip here. This place was the city's best-known landmark just before construction of the Opera House. Supported by massive dual piers at each conclusion, it was built in 1932 and stays the world's greatest material arc connection, linking the harbour's north and south shores in one curve climbing 134 metros above the water. Along its size run two railway lines and seven lanes for street traffic, the direction of which may be varied based on traffic flow. Also, to understand concerning the interesting history of the bridge's structure you can visit the memorial in the south-eastern pier.
2014-10-04 1:18 pm
Thank you very much for the answers, I was thinking only 2 people per bedroom allowed by law

收錄日期: 2021-04-16 16:35:52
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