
2014-10-04 6:56 am

回答 (2)

2014-10-05 3:55 am
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halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) 想移民英國想知有什麼考試

>> 我估你想講既係, 你已經有英國passport, 因為英國有分2種居留, 一種係ILR (Infinite leave remain)同真係有英國passport 既人, 如果你係前者的話, 你要先係英國住夠一年, 中間唔可以離開英國超過一段時間, 咁就可以申請英國passport, 做英國公民了, 而如果你係後者的話, 你已經有左英國passport, 就係英國了, 咁就唔駛再話移民英國. (因為就正如你有hk 身份証同passport, 咁就唔駛再"移民"香港了)

2) 如有居英權想到英國產子有何手續?

>> 咁你先黎到英國settle先既, 總唔能夠黎到即生, 而nhs 既benefits 既eligibility 可以係呢度搵到:


>> 如果你係有british citizenship,而你個citizenship 唔係through descent 的話, 就算你係係hk 生的話, 都係可以以descent 既形式俾下一代既, 但如果你個citizenship 係因為你呀爸呀媽係, 而你只係世襲佢地既citizenship 既話, 咁你就一定要係英國生, 咁先可以有局英權了.

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp =]
2014-10-04 1:17 pm
1. I am not sure what you mean.

The U.K. no longer has a so-called highly skilled migrant visa. So in your case, you must get a Tier 2 (General) Visa first.

In order for you to have a Tier 2 (General) Visa, you must have a sponsor, which is your future employer.

Here is what get complicated - medical registration from Hong Kong may be recognized by the U.K.'s GMC. You may have to take the PLAB test.

Also, all (if not, most) doctors in the U.K. work for NHS. In this case, I am not certain if NHS will sponsor you or not, even you have the GMC registration.

2. You will need NHS coverage.

Please note - citizenship is not obtained through giving birth in the U.K., but primarily based on the parents' nationalities/citizenship.

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 16:42:49
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