C S = Club Sanwich ? =公司三文治?

2014-10-04 1:08 am
C S = Club Sanwich ? =公司三文治?

回答 (2)

2014-10-05 10:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
.另類 CS

The Rubber Bursting CS Grenade is a more advanced means of creating a cloud of CS smoke. On activation the rubber bag bursts dispersing a series of burning CS sub-munitions over a wide area. These sub-munitions are small but highly effective and defeat any attempt to return the payload to the law enforcement officer.
參考: CS
2014-10-05 7:53 pm
無錯 Club Sanwich =公司三文治

C S 就可以有好多其他意思.

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