英檢 英文文法

2014-10-04 1:28 am
john ______ in the accident, we needed to find someone else to play on out team.

____是having been hurt.
請問為什不能放got hurt?


回答 (3)

2014-10-04 3:43 am
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John ______ in the accident, we needed to find someone else to play on out team.

____是having been hurt.
請問為什不能放got hurt?

很簡單的一個觀念,英文的兩個完整句子不可不加連接詞而直接用逗號來連結。如果填got hurt, 那麼逗號前面就成了完整句子,逗號後面是主句,這樣的連結造成一句雙動詞的錯誤。不過,只要句首加個連接詞As, 全句就沒有問題了。

至於填上having been hurt, 就是分詞構句,本來就必須用逗號與主句隔開,且其動作主體不同於主句的主詞時要保留,所以John不可省略,故為文法與語意皆正確的句子。

參考: 羅莉 - 英文文法
2014-10-04 3:46 am
這是文法中的 "分詞構句表原因"

如果不用分詞構句,使用簡單因果的句子,用 because 或 so 連結

John _had got/been hurt_ in the accident, _so_ we needed to find someone else to play on out team.

Because John _had got/been hurt_ in the accident, we needed to find someone else to play on out team.



John _having been hurt_ in the accident, we needed to find someone else to play on out team. 就等於上面兩句。

由於發生在過去,而且在 we needed to (過去式) 之前,所以用 having been hurt
(現在式的話,用 being hurt)

Being hurt by the dog again and again, now John is afraid to enter the gate.
由於屢次被狗咬傷,John 現在都害怕走進那大門。

Being hurt, Having been hurt 都可省略為 Hurt, (be 動詞部份省略),讓 Hurt p.p. 直接等同形容詞。
2014-10-04 2:11 am
This is Participial perfect used adjectivally:-
eg:having hurt (active voice)
eg:-Having been hurt in the accident, we needed (past tense).......
Hence:-(John) having been hurt in the accident, we needed to.....
In Participial consisting of a participle and other words used only adjectivally,we have present; past and perfect.
This is Participial perfect.

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