Eng Grm 問題: Conjunction

2014-10-02 8:50 am
11. You may go to visit the Disneyland ____ tomorrow ___ next week.
a. either… or B. neither… nor C. both …. And D. not only…. But also

12. Don’t sit down ____ the old man takes his seat.
a. when B. while C. until D. after

13. His sister was ___ walk on.
a. so tired that she can B. so tired that she can’t C. too tired not to D. so tired to

14. Tom bought two pens ___ neither of them is good.
a. and B. but C. so D. or

15. Mike writes ___ his sister does.
a. as good as B. as well as C. as careful as D. as poor as

16. I won’t let you in ____ you show me your pass.
A. for B. since C. because D. until

17. the film is ____ interesting ____ instructive.
a. both…or B. neither…now C. either… nor D. neither … nor

18. Nobody knows ____ the computers of tomorrow will be like.
A. where B. when C. how D. what

19. We didn’t know ____ would happen to him exactly after the accident.
a. where B. when C. how D. what

20. Do you know___?
A. how old Mrs Black is B. when did Mrs Black be tonight
C. where will Mrs Black be tonight D. what does Mrs Black like best

回答 (3)

2014-10-02 1:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
11. You may go to visit the Disneyland ____ tomorrow ___ next week.
A. either… or

12. Don’t sit down ____ the old man takes his seat.
C. until

13. His sister was ___ walk on.
B. so tired that she can’t

14. Tom bought two pens ___ neither of them is good.
B. but

15. Mike writes ___ his sister does.
B. as well as

16. I won’t let you in ____ you show me your pass.
D. until

17. the film is ____ interesting ____ instructive.
D. neither … nor

18. Nobody knows ____ the computers of tomorrow will be like.
D. what

19. We didn’t know ____ would happen to him exactly after the accident.
D. what

20. Do you know___?
A. how old Mrs Black is

2014-10-06 09:48:57 補充:

2014-10-06 4:03 pm
13. His sister was ___ walk on.
不是 B. so tired that she can’t
was 是 past tense, can't walk 是 present tense ~ conflict

D. so tired to, 應該是 too tired to
His sister was too tired to walk on.
~ too tired to do something
2014-10-05 8:15 am
這家不錯 lv333。cC買幾次啦真的一樣

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