Business letter

2014-10-02 8:20 am
I appreciate your information and I have to say “sorry” about my request because I didn't know it is charger not power bank. I thought it is a power bank solution. Sorry about it again.

Please let me know about your products continuously and I will choose the best one for Korea market.

我想咁覆番個客用英文.... 可以同我翻譯一下嗎, please.....

1. 覆番佢第一段先:
話俾佢知唔緊要, 今次sell俾佢的產品只係一條USB cable, 唔係一個外置電.

1. 覆番佢第二段先:
我地都好希望可以將我地的產品打入Korea market, 我地會keep住將我們公司的新產品介紹俾你, 同時, 如果你有D咩產品需要, 都可以話我知.

之後收下尾, eg. 希望大家合作愉快etc...


help me please......

回答 (1)

2014-10-02 5:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
話俾佢知唔緊要, 今次sell俾佢的產品只係一條USB cable, 唔係一個外置電.

Thank you for your reply. Please don't take it too seriously about what you've thought wrong about our product. It is true that it was only a USB cable but not a power bank that we sold to you.

我地都好希望可以將我地的產品打入Korea market, 我地會keep住將我們公司的新產品介紹俾你, 同時, 如果你有D咩產品需要, 都可以話我知.

In fact, we are very keen on making our products break into the Korean market. We will certainly keep you updated on our new products. Meanwhile, please feel free to let us know if you have any further requirements.

We look forward to having business with you soon.

2014-10-02 11:05:28 補充:
補充和更正:it'd better use "do" instead of "have"

We look forward to doing business with you soon. 我們期待很快與你合作。

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