How to get puppies to drink water?
My 10 week old chihuahua puppy hasn't been drinking very much water and I'm getting worried. She is up to date on all of her shots, eats 3-4 times a day, and is pretty active. What can I do to get her to drink more?
回答 (3)
Being that she is very small she will not drink a ton of water. She will drink when needed
Stop worrying! As long as she has a constant suppy of fresh water, where she knows it is, if she needs to drink, she will. Perhaps she's having enough moisture in the food you give her - normally with dry food they must have water, but with tinned meat, which if you check the label you'll see is usually 80% moisture, not so much.
If you are worried about dehydration, try the 'tenting test' - gently life some of the skin round her neck and it should snap back immediately. If it remains tented, then she may have a problem, in which case - vet.
My Whippet consumes a fraction of what my Basset slurps, much as she's a better licker than he is!!!
Try to use a electrical water dispenser to lure it to drink water. My friend tried it before and her pet started drinking water much more than before. Good to have a try:)
收錄日期: 2021-04-21 00:32:59
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