How to get puppies to drink water?

2014-10-02 7:05 am
My 10 week old chihuahua puppy hasn't been drinking very much water and I'm getting worried. She is up to date on all of her shots, eats 3-4 times a day, and is pretty active. What can I do to get her to drink more?

回答 (3)

2014-10-02 7:27 am
Being that she is very small she will not drink a ton of water. She will drink when needed
2014-10-02 12:23 pm
Stop worrying! As long as she has a constant suppy of fresh water, where she knows it is, if she needs to drink, she will. Perhaps she's having enough moisture in the food you give her - normally with dry food they must have water, but with tinned meat, which if you check the label you'll see is usually 80% moisture, not so much.

If you are worried about dehydration, try the 'tenting test' - gently life some of the skin round her neck and it should snap back immediately. If it remains tented, then she may have a problem, in which case - vet.

My Whippet consumes a fraction of what my Basset slurps, much as she's a better licker than he is!!!
2014-10-02 7:14 am
Try to use a electrical water dispenser to lure it to drink water. My friend tried it before and her pet started drinking water much more than before. Good to have a try:)

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