留學問題 between uk and australia

2014-10-02 5:07 am
再去英國apply大學是否可行? 我最想尤其入牛劍...


回答 (2)

2014-10-02 11:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) 如果我成功apply澳洲既中學,考埋果度既公開試,再去英國apply大學是否可行?

>> 可以, 我讀大學果時, 身邊有少少同學都係係aus 讀完中學過英國既. 但係我唔會建議咁做, 因為如果你人在英國讀完中學, 對於你係英國升番大學, 係會易過你係aus 讀完再去英國.

2) 會5會因為non-ucas而比較難入英國既大學?

你係邊個國家讀完中學之後去apply 英國大學都係through ucas, 所以non ucas 呢樣野 (唔同hk). 但會唔會比較難入, 我上面都講左了.

3) 此外,通常香港既GCE要提早幾時報先ok架?我係一個中四學生,會5會力有不遞?

>> 如果你係6月考的話, 12月就要開始係hkeaa 上面睇有關gce 既application 方法同埋有咩要填, 考咩board 等. 而我會建議你f.5 先考gce, 因為f.4 好多野都未必cover 到, 就咁去考, 可能會考得唔太好, 有d 大學 (如cambridge 係希望你first sitting 就可以拎到a (即係冇retake), 如果你f.4 考一次, 考得唔好, f.5 又考過, 咁你入好既大學機會會少左.

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp =]
2014-10-02 12:47 pm
1. Your way does not work at all.

Here is the admission requirement for domestic students for the University of New South Wales:


Australia does not have public examinations (like HKDSE, GCSE, SAT, etc.) So in your case, it will not make a difference when you continue in Australia or Hong Kong.

However, it will make a difference if you can go to the U.K.

2. UCAS stands for Universities and Colleges Admissions Service, a one-stop for university admission. UCAS is similar to JUPAS.

Your application needs to go through UCAS no matter what.

3. You should start seeking information from HKEAA in the September before the year you want to take the test.

For example, if you want to take that in 2015, now is the best time to start:


(Although the website is showing last year information, you will be able to know more and anticipate what you have to do.)

4. Yes. Seriously - GCS A-level is similar to HKALE in the past. In other word, you must be at the level of Form 7.

The exam also covers a lot of knowledge that you have not learned.

You may be able to handle GCSE, but not GCE A-level.

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