under 和 beneath 有什麼分別?

2014-10-01 10:12 pm
under 和 beneath 有什麼分別?

回答 (2)

2014-10-02 1:57 am
✔ 最佳答案


2014-10-01 17:57:54 補充:
但 under 是各個類似的詞語 (under, below, beneath, underneath) 之中最常用的一個。

全都指 在......以下。


<< Under >>
"Under" is the default choice. In most situations, you can replace any of the other words with "under".
Compared to "below", "under" is more often used to talk about 3-dimensional objects. For example, you'd talk about something being under a table, under a book, etc.
"Under" is also good for talking about layers of something.

<< Below >>Compared to "under", you use "below" more often to talk about the level of something on a flat plane. For example, if you're describing two photos that hang on a wall, you can say that one of them is "below" the other.
Use "below" to talk about the level of something, like a temperature.

<< Beneath >>"Beneath" is more formal than "under".

<< Underneath >>Think of "underneath" as a more emotional, exciting version of "under".


2014-10-06 09:46:22 補充:
Godfrey, 謝謝你, 請讓我加入你的意見。

2014-10-06 09:47:21 補充:
請留意 Godfrey 的意見:

當 beneath 解 not good enough for somebody, 不用 under 代替
He won't do any work that he considers beneath him.

2014-10-06 09:47:28 補充:
beneath contempt ~ a special phrase, 不是 under contempt
If someone or something is beneath contempt, they are so bad or so unimportant that they do not deserve any attention.
2014-10-06 3:36 pm
當 beneath 解 not good enough for somebody, 不用 under 代替
He won't do any work that he considers beneath him.

beneath contempt ~ a special phrase, 不是 under contempt
If someone or something is beneath contempt, they are so bad or so unimportant that they do not deserve any attention

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