
2014-10-01 7:11 pm
It was on Saturday , I sat in front of my computer watching the live( Occupying Central). A vast numbers of police step-in, with guns and shields. Those protesters handed up to show they are peaceful. But police stepped- in militarily, some students were drag from one place to another, some were beat by police, and most of them were hit by pepper spray, which cause large amount of people get wounded.

回答 (2)

2014-10-02 12:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
It was on Saturday , I sat in front of my computer watching the live of Occupying Central. A vast numbers of police step-in, with guns and shields. Those protesters handed up to show that they were peaceful. However, the police stepped- in militarily, some students were dragged from one place to another, some were beat by the police, and most of them were hit by pepper spray, which caused large amount of people get wounded.

Hope I can help you ^_^

2014-10-01 16:44:55 補充:
Sorry, there is one mistake:

Line 4: it is "drug" not "dragged"
參考: ME
2014-10-01 8:17 pm
It was Saturday,I sat in front of my computer and watching the live of Occupying Central.The story is about a vast numbers of police step-in with guns and shields.Those prot esters handed up to show that they were peaceful.But the police steppes in militarily so my students were drug from one place to another and some were beat by the police.Most of them were hit by the pepper spray which cause large amount of people were get wounded.
I hope it can help you!!!><
參考: myself

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