Burning a ouija board?

2014-09-29 4:57 pm
If a room were to of caught fire in the sixties a metal bed frame melted and the only thing un touched was a wooden ouija board ? Would it come back? Would it have released spirits in the home ? Please help I'm very curious about this. I need to know

回答 (3)

2014-10-01 1:47 am
if you don't brack glass chip pieace it will come back every time note only Ouija bord chamipian can only brack chip or pass to next champaian or used prayer cheet by design one trun agest it owner only Ouija bord champion can tack full contral of oracle angles and every single after life creature and has abily to sead de power it also
參考: been Ouija bord chapian 4 times one 1996 one 2002 2006 2008
2014-09-29 10:09 pm
Never burn a quija board, i watched a show once, and it just came back, and it probably would release spirits into the house.
2014-09-29 6:30 pm
What the hell are you talking about? Seriously.

You're in a room engulfed in flames, not even a steel bedframe can survive such heat, and you're asking about a wooden friggin children's toy? Get your priorities straight for Christ's sake.

Is the Ouija really a children's toy? Yes it is. That's not just my opinion, it's the opinion of Elijah Bond (the inventor), Hasbro Inc. (the original and current patent holder), and many toy stores (note toy stores) that sell the product. The only group who says it's an occult / demonic device is the same group who says Mickey Mouse (he wore a sorcerer hat once), dancing of any kind, Harry Potter, the Teletubbies (one of them might be gay, and gay is the devil), Lord Of The Rings (midgets are also evil) and horoscopes are the work of the devil. They also strongly object to sex, because it looks suspiciously like dancing. They'll grudgingly allow sex, but only if it's done after marriage and only for the purpose of making babies. And even then, you'd better not enjoy it.

Do you really believe that Mickey Mouse and Harry Potter are the devil? Well you better, because that's the rule. No picky-choosy with the list, it's all or nothing. Their rules, not mine. Look it up if you don't believe me.

So what do you really beleive? Don't answer me, answer yourself. And be honest.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 20:51:22
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