我今年讀S6 (2015 DSE) 已經開左UCAS account (individual) 但係仲有d問題吾清楚
我最想讀Architecture, 2nd option is Landscape Architecture
1. UCAS choice方面 我吾知應該
1) 1間top(純粹博下) + 3間最想入 + 1間排名後d
2) 1間top(純粹博下) + 3間最想入 + 3間入面其中1間嘅landscape
3) 3間最想入 + 3間入面其中1間嘅landscape + 1間排名後d
My choices:
1) Uni. of Bath , Architecture (呢間係博, coz they required 3x plus math)
2) Uni. of Sheffield , Architecture
3) Uni. of Nottingham , Architecture
4) Cardiff Uni. , Architecture
5) Uni. of Sheffield , Architecture and Landscape
6) Uni. of Sheffield , Landscape Architecture
7) Uni. of Kent , Architecture
8) Uni. of Newcastle , Architecture (我吾打算放入UCAS choice, 因為要報 就會報佢嘅foundation)
2, 3 , 4 都係最想入 而且我email問過佢地嘅DSE requirement, 我覺得自己應付到
2. 我想問reference letter方面,我有兩個班主任,佢地倆個都可以幫我寫,我惗緊應該搵邊個。
一個係教英文,佢d英文好好,但係我知佢俾predicted grade會較保守
另一個係專負責學校升學方面,同埋我覺得佢比較熟悉我,predicted grade可能會鬆手d, 但係佢d英文一定吾夠另一個好