best place for personality type?

2014-09-28 2:30 am
I keep taking different personality test and get different results ive token 3 and got ISTP, ISFP and ENTJ is there one Really good test to find out

回答 (1)

2014-11-01 5:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
The test aren't all that accurate in determining one's mbti type. Also, nobody will posses 100% of any type's traits. A more efficient way of identifying your main type is to thoroughly study the eight cognitive functions. For a very simplified description of them, look for my post here (ignore the irrelevant info):

What type of child were you? Were you a Ti, Fi, or Te child? A young child typically relies on his dominant function almost exclusively.

ISTP: dominant Ti, auxiliary Se, tertiary Ni, inferior Fe
ISFP: dominant Fi, auxiliary Se, tertiary Ni, inferior Te
ENTJ: dominant Te, auxiliary Ni, tertiary Se, inferior Fi

Introverted thinking dominant ISTP lives in a world of logic, systems, principles, consistency, structure, and frameworks.

Introverted feeling dominants ISFP lives in a world of emotion, morals, and values.

Extroverted thinking dominant ENTJ lives in a world of logistics, procedures, productivity, data, facts, and empirical evidence.

So stereotypically...

Both the ISTP and ISFP seek physical experience to stimulate the five senses and generally take life on a day-by-day basis (auxiliary Se). They naturally have a decent awareness and attunement to their physical surroundings, noticing details that some other types can often miss. Although they may plan things a few days in advance, they typically don't see very far into the future or the far-reaching effects of events (tertiary Ni).

The ISTP is better at troubleshooting, analyzing, and dissecting problems than the ISFP using a uniquely refined form of logic (dominant Ti). The ISTP thinks very similarly to Albert Einstein (INTP), they just use that thinking to probe into and solve concrete, tangible challenges instead of abstract, theoretical matters, hence the stereotype of being excellent mechanics. They posses a remarkably systematic mind. The ISFP is more in touch with his emotions and values, morally speaking (dominant Fi). He readily identifies his position on right and wrong, good and evil, etc. He places great emphasis on personal integrity, expecting others to be true to themselves as well. The ISTP, however, has trouble being attuned to his emotions (inferior Fe). He numbingly bottles them up without even realizing it, being adverse to allowing himself to feel. He couldn't care less for group social etiquette that don't make logical sense to him. The ISFP has trouble seeing the logical step-by-step progress it takes to achieve a goal (inferior Te). He may stumble in trying to make his plans come into fruition due to this.

The ENTJ sees underlying connections, associations, and patterns between the events, giving him an enhanced ability to foreshadow occurrences (auxiliary Ni). He makes plans and goals based on this enhancement and procedurally, logistically implements them into reality using results-oriented, execution-style thinking (dominant Te). He can store a lot of facts in his head. The ENTJ is not the best in fully, hedonistically engaging in his five senses, and so may seem a tad bit robotic when doing so (tertiary Se). The ENTJ shows a great unawareness of how to attend to his own emotions, let alone that of others (inferior Fi). His logical, matter-of-fact speech may be misinterpreted as coldness at times.

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