Is it worth getting a toungue piercing?

2014-09-27 9:24 pm
I really want a toungue piercing but am scared to get it, so how long does it take the heal? How long does it hurt for? How long before you can eat normally? Also when does the long bar get changed into smaller barbell?

I should point out i have 8 piercings on my ears cartilage and lobe so i know you haveto be careful and be patient etc.

回答 (5)

2014-09-27 9:44 pm
2-3 months to heal.

Mine never hurt. It was sore, but never painful. Everybody is going to have a different experience, you won't know until you get it done. I will say it was my most annoying piercing, due to the swelling. But as far as pain goes, well. There wasn't any :P Not during the piercing and not after.

I ate normally after a week. But again, everybody is different. Some people only have swelling for a couple days. Mine happened to be swollen for a week. You can eat relatively normally right away (minus alcohol, really spicy food, etc.) if you can handle it. Eat in small bites. Take your time.

Your piercer will tell you when to come back to have the bar downsized. Typically, 2 weeks. Give or take.

Hopefully this helped a bit. In the end only you can decide if it will be worth it or not!
參考: Piercer. Retired tongue piercing.
2014-09-27 10:52 pm
For me, the actual piercing wasn't sore at all. My piercing was only sore the day I got it done and wasn't sore any day after that. The worst part for me was talking and eating, it takes about 5 days for you to get used to eating and talking. Also, mine took about a month to be healed. You should totally get one ;3 Good Luck if you do <3
2014-09-27 9:28 pm
Don't know abut the healing etc......but son had one and he ended up taking it out 'cause it was hard to eat some foods and made him talk a little funny....almost a lisp.
2014-09-27 10:15 pm
Toungue piercings ruin your teeth because the metal hits them.
2014-09-27 10:53 pm
they serve one purpose oral sex

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