
2014-09-27 10:05 pm

......addressing the events in time either from present to past or from past to
either 在這裡是甚麼解釋和甚麼詞性?

回答 (2)

2014-09-28 1:44 pm
addressing the events in time either [from present to past] or [from past to

either [a] or [b]
~ used to show a choice of two things (a or b)

"either" is an adverb here (conjunctive adverb)
2014-09-27 11:32 pm
either as determiner:-one or the other of two things or people here.Addressing from present to past or past to present but you've either way.Either way is in one way or the other.
either as pronoun:-one or the other of two things or people. eg:-There's present to past or past to present--you can have either.(one or the other of two period of time.)

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