what is one female name you absolutely cannot stand?

2014-09-26 8:43 am

回答 (13)

2014-09-26 10:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
I know you said one but I have two: Carmen & Rachel.
2014-09-26 8:57 am
Ann Coulter, never seen such a hateful woman...
2014-09-26 9:07 am
Cathy and all its spellings.

No, seriously, every one that I have known is just a bad person
2014-09-26 8:47 am
Memphis, Danelle.
2014-09-26 9:12 am
Paige, I never understood the appeal to that name
2014-09-26 9:04 am
2014-09-26 8:55 am
2014-09-26 8:46 am
Elissa/Elyssa, I know a lot of girls with that spelling of the name and they were mean and nasty
2014-09-26 8:52 am
Letisha. Shaniqua. Anything made up that is not really a name, just an attempt at being ethnic.
2014-09-26 8:49 am

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