Microsoft Word & Excel

2014-09-25 5:15 pm

因本人不小心刪除Microsoft Word Start 2010某些軟件, 令部Notebook開不到Word & Excel File, 請問有什麼方法補救呢?


回答 (2)

2014-09-25 6:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
試吓去 下面條link,睇下可唔可以挽救:
2014-09-27 3:17 am
1. As follow:

a. Go to Programs and Features

b. Select the affected program and click Uninstall.

c. You will be given Repair option. Try to repair and see if it works.

If not, you will have to reinstall.

2. Starter programs come with new computers only. There is no online download.

3. An (free) alternative is Google Doc.

2014-09-30 17:42:49 補充:
There is no way.

Microsoft Word, in fact, can be downloaded online. However, it is limited access only (those who have paid).

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 16:38:08
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