✔ 最佳答案
If any of your partners had a cold sore while they gave you oral sex then you could end up with oral herpes on your genitals. You can have herpes on only your mouth or only on your genitals, it doesn't always occur on both locations. If your partner doesn't have cold sores then you're not going to get oral herpes on you're genitals. Even if he doesn't have herpes he could have other stds and not know it if he doesn't have any signs or symptoms.
It could be jock itch, or a bacterial infection, or another std besides herpes. If you develop pain full blisters or open sores on your genitals then you could have herpes or thrush. But since your partner doesn't have herpes then you're not going to get it. The best thing you can do is see a doctor and have them test you for stds to be safe.