Did Hitler ever kill anyone by his own hands?

2014-09-24 1:25 am
By that I mean, did he ever pull the trigger himself? Or did he just issue the orders?

回答 (7)

2014-09-30 2:53 am
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Aside from himself, no. Ernst Rohm actually told his captors that Hitler should come down to the jail and shoot him personally if he was to be shot. Hitler was actually a very neurotic and prissy guy who didn't like blood and guts. If it was otherwise he would have visited the front or bombed cities just like Goebbels asked him too instead of spending the war at Wolfsschanze or the Berghof.
2014-09-24 5:45 am
In WW2 no there are No records of the coward actually doing the dirty work itself
2014-09-24 1:28 am
I don't believe he ever did.
2014-09-25 6:54 pm
It seems not. Hitler served in WWI but he was a message runner and I don't seem to see any references to him killing anyone. Given Hitler's interest in heroism he presumably would have played up the fact that he had killed enemy soldiers if he had done so.
2014-09-24 4:54 am
Yes, himself. Though it was not with his own hands, it was with his own gun.
2014-09-24 3:35 pm
Probably, as he fought in WW1.
2014-09-28 6:08 pm
does it matter to you?
he was the head, the planner and the executioner of this well oiled killing machine.

so i don't think we should wonder if he did or didn't kill someone in his own hands.

he was a bad person who murdered 11,000,000 people, 6,000,000 among them were jews.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 00:34:38
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