Is it illegal to have a driver license but no insurance even your are not gonna to drive?

2014-09-23 4:27 am

回答 (11)

2014-09-23 4:28 am
You insure a vehicle. If you have a vehicle it must be insured. If you don't have a vehicle, you don't need insurance
2014-09-23 4:36 am
You do not have to own a vehicle, or purchase insurance for a vehicle in order to obtain a drivers listener. However. If you own a vehicle that you plan to drive on public roads, you must carry at least the state minimum level of insurance (also called State Mins). The reason you are not required to own a vehicle, or have an insured vehicle in order to obtain a license is for two reason. First, not everyone who drives owns a vehicle, and second, many insurance policies cover (at least up to state mins) anyone who drives an insured vehicle (not ALL policies are like this though). An example would be that your parents may have a policy that covers anyone who is driving the vehicle with their concent, but may only offer minimum coverage to non-specific operators of the vehicle. Hope this helps.
2014-09-23 4:34 am
driving is uncool. walk, using the feet mother nature gave ya.
2014-09-23 4:32 am
Your driver license allows you to drive. The insurance is to allow that particular vehicle on the road. If there is no car on the road, then you don't need insurance.
2014-09-23 4:30 am
The Driver is not insured. A licensed driver doesn't need to own a car.
2014-09-23 4:29 am
It's illegal to drive without insurance.
2014-09-23 7:55 pm
You do not need to own a car to have a drivers license. However, if you own a car, it must be insured and registered at all times, even if it is in storage and not being driven.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience.
2014-09-23 4:29 am
Every car that is on the road must be insured. If it is sitting in your driveway then no. But if you get caught on the road with it you could be arrested, and the car could be impounded.
2014-09-23 4:59 am
Best to have common sense too.
2014-09-23 4:51 am
Yes. You can drive someone else's car with their permission if they have insurance. Or you can own an uninsured car if you do not take it out on the street.
2014-09-23 4:31 am
so if i don't have a car , i don't need to buy auto insurance nor the car insurance?

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 21:53:19
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