What happen to the refs if they fight the players in ice hockey?

2014-09-22 11:13 am

回答 (4)

2014-09-22 4:41 pm
there's some big boys officiating in the NHL ... but they would get kicked out of the game and lose their job ... it happened over in Europe not too long ago ... probably one of the better youtube hockey videos ... the ref just casually takes his helmet off and starts swinging .... look it up ... heck ... I will give you the link
2014-09-22 8:32 pm
What would happen if a referee in boxing knocked out one of the contestants?
Or a baseball umpire decked a coach who came out to argue a call?
It would mean that Vince McMahon and the WWE had taken over pro sports.
2014-09-22 2:29 pm
They would 100% get killed.
2014-09-22 12:00 pm
they would get a good kicking

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